Research Area: Major questions still exist around some of the most important scientific findings related to skill acquisition, practice quality, and motivation. This longitudinal survey seeks to address some of these issues and provide practical recommendations for musicians and teachers.
Motivation, Practice, and Performance: A Longitudinal Study

Sites | UNSW Australia (S1-2 2016) Melbourne Conservatorium (S1-2 2016) Jacobs School of Music at IU (Fall 16—Spring 17) Royal College of Music, London (Autumn 16—Spring 17) |
Published Research | McPherson, G. E., Evans, P., Kupers, E., & Renwick, J. M. (2016). Applying self-determination and self-regulation theories to optimizing music performance. In A. Mornell (Ed.), Art in motion III: Performing under pressure. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Miksza, P., Evans, P., & McPherson, G. E. (2019). Wellness Among University-level Music Students: A Study of the Predictors of Subjective Vitality. Musicae Scientiae. Miksza, P., Evans, P., & Mcpherson, G. E. (2019). Motivation to pursue a career in music: The role of social constraints in university music programs. Psychology of Music, 1–19. |
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Practice Microanalysis

Research area: What are the cognitive and metacognitive processes associated with the best practice strategies, and how can these be used to improve the quality and efficiency of music practice?
Sites | UNSW Australia (2015 S1 and S2) Melbourne Conservatorium of Music (2015 S1 and S2) |
Published Research | McPherson, G. E., Osborne, M. S., Evans, P., & Miksza, P. (2017). Applying self-regulated learning microanalysis to study musicians’ practice. Psychology of Music.
McPherson, G. E., Miksza, P., & Evans, P. (2017). Self-regulated learning in music practice and performance. In D. H. Schunk & J. A. Greene (Eds.), Handbook of self-regulation of learning and performance (2nd ed., pp. 181–193). New York: Routledge. McPherson, G. E., Osborne, M. S., Evans, P., & Miksza, P. (2019). Applying self-regulated learning microanalysis to study musicians’ practice. Psychology of Music, 47(1), 18–32. |
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Teacher–Student Interactions in Studio Lessons

Research area: Do teachers mainly provide instruction during lessons, or do they focus on modeling? Do they ask questions of students, or provide answers? Does any of this make a difference? This study aims to understand the relationship between teachers and students, and to help teachers and students identify characteristics of good lessons.
Sites | UNSW Australia (S2 2015) Melbourne Conservatorium (S2 2015) Jacobs School of Music at IU (Coming soon) |
Published Research | Blackwell, J., Miksza, P., Evans, P., & McPherson, G. (2020). Student Vitality Depends on Teacher Engagement and Rapport in Studio Instruction. (Manuscript in preparation). |
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